Nefarious: Bad Guy's Gonna Win collects the first four issues of the Nefarious comic into graphic novel. Nefarious is the story about a villain-for-hire who specializes in helping other bad guy's win for a change.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
about 6 years ago
– Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 03:08:56 PM
Okay! I've started the signing and processing phase with a rather efficient set up.
If you've moved since the kickstarterer was originally funded, NOW is your final chance to update your address (if you ordered a physical book/item). I sent out a final 48 hour notice to all backers via backerkit to update your address if you need to. Be sure to check your spam folder for backerkit emails if you have not got your final address notification, as books WILL be shipped two days from now.
If you need a manual link you can access your backerkit page here.
And while I have you on the horn, just want to remind you the deadline to get the free Becky pin for being a patron is Feb 28th!
Alright, I'm gonna get back to signing. Thanks everyone for making this day possible! I've been looking forward to it since we first hit our goal.
Book Update: Hit the US coast!
about 6 years ago
– Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 08:27:59 PM
Book Update: Books are Arriving! (At my place)
Howdy Gang,
Wanted to give everyone a quick update to let you know we're still on track for a February fulfillment. All one thousand one hundred of the books hit the Los Angeles coast a few days ago and I'm told by my shipping agent that they will arrive at my doorstep at some point Tuesday 12th (tomorrow at the time of this update). at which point I'll spend a day signing/doodling a crow sketch in them, and then we'll be off to the races and you'll get your tracking numbers!
Becky Pin
After the success of the Crow-in-the-dark pin. I ran a poll on the Nefarious patreon to see which pin folks want next. So for this month I decided all $10+ patrons get a bonus Becky pin as part of your pledge. You only pay for your own shipping.
Patrons will get to choose between gold or black metal when the campaign ends.
Nefarious vs Villainous
Lots of treats today! I also launched this musical a few hours ago featurin Crow, Black Hat and over a hundred other villains.
I've been wanting to do a Nefarious vs Villainous animatic ever since Villainous landed on the scene. I had a hard time nailing down Black Hat's combat capabilities other than knowing he's magic, and he's up there. At the end of the day I decided to err on the side of fun.
The video is based on Caravan's Palace Lone Digger.
Mass Production, PDF's Released + Crow Glow
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 03:50:43 PM
We're off to the Races
First, I wanted to let everyone know the Nefarious Volume 1 books are officially in mass production! My printer sent me a proof the other day and after careful scrutiny and a few minor adjustments I gave them the green light to start printing! So we're still on track for that February release.
If you have moved, or need to update your address for any reason, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SO. If you don't remember how to do that, all you need to do is click this link.
That new book smell
You might have also noticed an email notification so you can download Lineage of Tyranny and Prism the final two chapters in volume 1. Be sure to give those a read!
Glow-in-the-Dark Pins
Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know about a cool little promo thing we're doing on the patreon to celebrate the completion/printing of volume 1. All existing and new patrons who sign up before Dec. 18th get a freebie Glow-in-the-Dark pin!
So if you finish Volume 1, want to read the beginning of Volume 2, AND want a neat glowy pin here is the place to do it!
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 12:19:01 PM
It's happening!
It's official! Nefarious volume 1 has gone gold. What that means is everything to do with creation of volume 1 is complete. All 150 story pages, 30 bonus pages are done. They've been proofread, touched up, fixes have been put in. No further changes are to be made.
What does that mean now? It's time for production! Some days ago I put out quote request to several printers, and I am currently in the negotiation phase to figure out which one I want to go with. Once that is complete, most printers have a two-month turn around from when documents are submitted, to when books are sent out.
Accounting for whatever hiccups may arise, I'm predicting the books will be sent to me February 2019 at which point I will begin distributing them.
What's Next for Nefarious?
Volume 2 is already under way! Due to the success of the patreon, I was able to seamlessly continue working once volume 1 wrapped. What I will likely do is make much more progress into volume 2 before even thinking about doing another kickstarter. That way I'll be able to sharply reduce the time between the KS and the delivery of physical books. So count on that launching a year from now.
By popular demand, we just got a batch of premium hard enamel pins! Currently, it's only available as an exclusive patreon reward. So if you want to start reading volume 2 early, get private discord access, commission voting and get another piece of physical merch, this is the the place to do it.
That being said, it will eventually be available to the public once things settle for me. I'm mostly trying to keep things simple while I juggle so many task all at once.
More updates will come as we hit the next few milestones!
Progress Update & Musical Numbers
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 04:13:47 PM
Progress Visualized
Howdy gang,
I wanted to keep you appraised about where I'm at. Things have been kind of quiet as I've been steadily chugging along working on the final two chapters of Volume 1. But We're getting very close to being done. Both of the final chapters are halfway complete and the original goal of the Kickstarter of four issues has been complete for quite some time.
Good at Being Bad
But I don't just have a progress bar to show for my efforts. In my spare time I've been busy. I've been using my weekends to work on Nefarious music videos. Many of you may have already seen these on my youtube channel, but if you haven't be sure to check them out below.
If one isn't enough, enjoy this second one! I took a song I really liked and created a Nefarious storyboard/animatic to go along with it.
And be sure to subscribe! because there is another animatic in the works.
All Six Covers! Possible Spoilers Below
All six covers have also been complete. Though each chapter is it's own stand alone story, there is a seasonal arc one could piece together by putting together these images. So if you want to be completely surprised, look away.